Friday, May 31, 2013
South Asian Bowling League Rules
Rosters and player qualifications:
1. Every team will be assigned a task that contributes to the website. If the team does not do their task the following will occur:
1st Offense- The highest average bowler that shows up will be suspended for the first game.
2nd Offense- The highest average bowler that shows up will be suspended for the first 2 games.
3rd Offense- The highest average bowler that shows up will be suspended for an entire series.
4th Offense- The highest average bowler that shows up will be suspended for the entire playoffs.
**For the first suspension a blind of 150 will be calculated. After the first suspension the bowler will receive a score of a zero.***
2. A roster must have a minimum of four players. The maximum number of players for any roster is 7. A team is allowed two non-South Asian players active for any game. Any non-South Asian team member that has been part of the South Asian Sports community for at least two years will not count against the two non-South Asian cap.
1st Offense- The highest average bowler that shows up will be suspended for the first game.
2nd Offense- The highest average bowler that shows up will be suspended for the first 2 games.
3rd Offense- The highest average bowler that shows up will be suspended for an entire series.
4th Offense- The highest average bowler that shows up will be suspended for the entire playoffs.
**For the first suspension a blind of 150 will be calculated. After the first suspension the bowler will receive a score of a zero.***
2. A roster must have a minimum of four players. The maximum number of players for any roster is 7. A team is allowed two non-South Asian players active for any game. Any non-South Asian team member that has been part of the South Asian Sports community for at least two years will not count against the two non-South Asian cap.
3. Rosters freeze at the start of the fourth week of play. Players may be added or dropped as needed up until the start of the fourth week. However, once a player bowls for your roster, he cannot be dropped. All free agents that are added must be approved by the commissioner.
4. The regular season is 9 weeks long. For a player to qualify for the playoffs, they must bowl in at least 12 games. For any player to qualify for individual awards, they must bowl in at least 18 games.
5. An argument is defined as a Bowler(s)who start fights or arguments with the INTENTION of escalating an altercation. The team(s) will receive a score of zero for the bowler(s) who are directly involved. There will be no subs allowed for these bowlers. This includes not only at the bowling alley, but the Facebook page, and other places where the league is involved.
If a player creates a physical altercation he will be suspended for a period of time with the possibility of being banned. All altercations are reviewed on a case by case basis.
5. An argument is defined as a Bowler(s)who start fights or arguments with the INTENTION of escalating an altercation. The team(s) will receive a score of zero for the bowler(s) who are directly involved. There will be no subs allowed for these bowlers. This includes not only at the bowling alley, but the Facebook page, and other places where the league is involved.
If a player creates a physical altercation he will be suspended for a period of time with the possibility of being banned. All altercations are reviewed on a case by case basis.
Handicap System:
1. The league will be using a handicap system. A player’s handicap will be based on a system of 80% of 210. In order to verify a player’s handicap, use the following equation: (210 – player’s average) * 0.8. (Note: If a player’s average exceeds 210, they will receive a handicap score of zero.)
2. The first two weeks, a players handicap from last season will be used. Starting the third week the handicap will be adjusted.
3. Any bowler who has bowled with the South Asian Bowling League will not be allowed to drop an average of 15 pins lower than their previous season. If the bowler has multiple seasons with the South Asian Bowling League, then the player’s highest average will be used as basis (assuming the sample size is large enough).
4. Any bowler who misses week 1 will be given a handicap based on an average of 150 for their first week of bowling. After the player’s first week, they will use their average from the previous week.
(Note: If the bowler in question has bowled a previous season with the South Asian Bowling League or any other league, then their initial handicap will be based on their average from the previous season.)
5. After week 3, no player will be allowed to drop an average of 15 pins lower than their current average.
Tanking is defined as a player intentionally not bowling up to their standard to receive a higher handicap. Tanking will not be tolerated in our league as it promotes no sportsmanship and takes away from the competition. To ensure that no bowler tanks, the following provisions will be put in place:
1. If it is proven a player tanked, then at the next match, the highest average will be sitting out THE ENTIRE MATCH. A suspension means the bowler is physically present. Therefore the highest average on that team that is present that day must sit out. The bowler will be blinded with no handicap as if they were missing (see match play and scoring section for explanation of a blind).
2. The bowler’s average for the day in question of tanking will be adjusted with a higher series for the day as seen fit by the commissioner.
3. If ANY team has a 2nd offense with this issue, the top bowler present will be suspended for TWO WEEKS OF MATCHES (6 games), and the team will not be allowed to put in a sub for the suspended bowler. Meaning the highest bowler is replaced with a blind and no handicap.
4. If tanking occurs at the end of the season, then the punishment(s) can and will be applied in the opening round of the playoffs for the player's team.
Match play and scoring:
(Note: Practice time starts at 8:00pm Matches start promptly at 8:15pm)
1. Each match consists of three games. Each team starts four bowlers in a match. Substitutions cannot be made within a game. Substitutions can be made in between games. However, any/all bowlers that remain in the match must maintain the same order in which they bowled the previous game (i.e. no order swapping, regardless of substitutions.)
2. Any player who is in a match is not allowed to practice on other lanes while waiting for their next turn. Any player who is sitting out the current game may practice on other lanes, but will not use league funds to practice.
2a. Any player who starts a match must finish it in accordance with regular match play (i.e. one player cannot bowl extra frames consecutively to leave early.) If a player chooses to start a match, then once he has to leave, he will receive a score of zero for any frames missed. His current score, with his current handicap, will be calculated and used for the frames the player did bowl.
3. Team scoring is based on a 23-point system. Three points awarded to the winning team of each game (for nine total). One point awarded to each individual position winner (up to four each game, up to 12 total). Two additional points awarded to the team with the highest pin total for the match.
4. When setting the lineup for the match, if there are any disagreements (continual switching) among the two teams setting the order, then the higher ranked team must enter their lineup first. Once the lineup is entered, order cannot be changed (see rule 1 on match play and scoring).
5a. In the event of a tie between two players at the end of any game, a 'bowl-off' will be used determine which player receives a point. A bowl-off is defined as each bowler taking one shot, with the higher score winning. If both players score the same number of pins, the bowl-off will continue until a winner is determined.
5a. In the event of a tie between two players at the end of any game, a 'bowl-off' will be used determine which player receives a point. A bowl-off is defined as each bowler taking one shot, with the higher score winning. If both players score the same number of pins, the bowl-off will continue until a winner is determined.
5b. In the event of a team tie one bowler from each team will complete a 10th frame. This will continue until a winner is determined
6. After each game, it is the responsibility of the captain write down:
a) The non-handicap scores of his players.
b) Circle the score of his individual players who won their match-up
c) The total team score without handicap
d) The handicap received that game
e) The total team score with handicap
f) The total number of points his team won that game (up to 7 each game, up to 23 each match)
7. It is the responsibility of the opposing captain to verify the scores and sign the opponent's scorecard at the end of the match.
8. A minimum of two players must be present by the end of the first frame of any game or the game and the total pins for the match will be awarded to the other team.
9. Any player who arrives late may enter any game provided the anchor (last) bowler of the opposing team has not completed his second frame. Any frames missed may be made up. No late player may enter after the second frame of that game.
10. If a team is missing members, a blind will be calculated as 10 pins minus the lowest average bowler plus their handicap. The blind will not count as a game played for any missing player(s), and will not count towards the average for any missing player(s).
11. The league uses foot fouls. Any player who has a body part go over the foul line and touch the lane is subject to have their shot count as a foul if disputed.
11. The league uses foot fouls. Any player who has a body part go over the foul line and touch the lane is subject to have their shot count as a foul if disputed.
1. The top four teams qualify for the playoffs. 1 v 4, 2 v 3
2. If two or more teams are tied in the rankings, the following tiebreaker guidelines will be in place (in order of use):
a) Head-to-head team scoring
b) Total pins throughout season
c) Points scored against highest ranked team available, then second highest ranked team, etc.
d) Coin flip
4. Every playoff match will be a three-game series. The same match play scoring and rules from the regular season will apply with the following exception:
When setting the lineup for the match, if there are any disagreements (continual switching) among the two teams setting the order, then the LOWER ranked team must enter their lineup first.
5. In the event of a team tie at the end of a game, an extra complete 10th frame is played by all players on both teams. Complete 10th frames will continue until a winner has been determined.
5a. In the event of a player tie at the end of the game, an extra complete 10th frame is played by the bowlers who tied. Complete 10th frames will continue until a winner has been determined
5a. In the event of a player tie at the end of the game, an extra complete 10th frame is played by the bowlers who tied. Complete 10th frames will continue until a winner has been determined
1. The members of the winning team will receive a team trophy, along with individual trophies for each player.
2. The MVP (most valuable player) of the finals will also be given an individual trophy. The losing team will vote on the MVP from the winning team. If they choose not to vote and/or do not take their vote seriously, then the winning team or the league commissioner will pick an appropriate MVP.
3. Individual awards will be given to the following individuals who qualify:
a) Highest regular season average
b) Highest regular season individual game
c) Highest regular season individual series
d) Most individual match points won (5 awards ranked 1-5 will be given)
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Summer Season 2013 Teams
Abhishek Kumar
Joe DiSalvatore
Abbas Dastigir
Phil Craig
Jason Reis
Justin Reis
Shazad Ali
Kenny Reid
Siddique Farooqi
Chris Bauer

Nisar Ahmed
Raza Dastigir
Ali Nasrallah
Ammad Sheikh
Alan Dworetsky
Mufthy Dastigir
Khaled Ahmedy
Chris Farrell
David Deblasio
Amin Sadiqi
Wahid Omarzai
Ayaz Dar
Yash Mahajan
Adam Chaimowitz
Shumail Haque
Eugene Lampione
Gage Nestor
Patrick Vatel
Guerrier Connor
Prince Panicker
Sukhjinder Singh
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